
What Is New Biotechnology That Is Being Employed To Clean Up Oil Spills?

Ralph J. Portier


There is an estimated three.two million tons annual (mta) input of petroleum hydrocarbons into the earth's oceans (NRC 1985). The majority is in modest amounts from chronic sources, mta from tanker operations, and mta from municipal wastes. Adventitious spills account for 0.42 mta, simply 13% of the earth's full input of petroleum hydrocarbons. The chronic, small amounts of oil are speedily removed from the marine environment past a diverseness of processes—evaporation, dissolution, biodegradation, emulsification, and sedimentation—in a matter of days in normal conditions. When there is an accidental spill from oil production or transport leading to a large lens of visible brown/black oil, the environment's natural capacity for self-purification is overwhelmed. The oil may persist for months if non decades. Serious acute and chronic ecological damage tin can occur, and economies and community health can be affected (Atlas and Bartha 1973; Kelso and Kendziorek 1991; Overton and others 1994). Considering of the danger to health, ecology, and public relations represented past big oil spills that overwhelm natural capacity for purification, new marine biotechnology approaches are needed to move the "applied science" forward for cleaning upward impacted coastal and marsh environments.

The fate of petroleum hydrocarbons in the marine environment has been documented past Bartha (1986). A small-scale oil spill will spread out until it is merely a sheen on the water surface; i g volition cover 1-ten m2. This thin motion-picture show volition exist evaporated, emulsified, metabolized, or dissolved. Depending on temperature, mixing conditions and composition of the oil, x-55% will be lost through evaporation and photo-oxidation (Baker and others 1993; Walker and others 1993). The more polar fractions of the oil, carbon lengths 12 and less (≤ C-12), will deliquesce, ultimately to exist metabolized by naturally occurring bacteria (Overton and others 1994). Natural processes will emulsify the remaining oil or it will accept an impact on the sea lesser or marsh surround. If the oil undergoes emulsification and natural dispersion, so inside 2 months, the bioavailable hydrocarbons will be metabolized, leaving backside a highly condensed, recalcitrant residue of complex hydrocarbons called asphaltenes and resins (Bartha 1986; Stewart and others 1993).

If weather condition are poor for emulsification and dispersion of the oil, typical for marsh environments, it may emulsify only partly, forming a mousse, which is an oil-in-water emulsion (upwardly to 80% water, depending on the oil) that is highly resistant to degradation. Mousse has been known to persist in sediments for decades (Atlas 1981; Baker and others 1993; Bartha 1986; NRC 1985).

OIL SPILL Furnishings

Oil spills affect ecosystems in three ways: smothering plants and animals, massive input of organic carbon upsetting food cycling, and toxicity (NRC 1985).

  • Smothering. Smothering of plants and animals comes nigh due to oil's physical characteristics—its stickiness, buoyancy, and oleophilicity.

  • Disruption of nutrient cycling and microbial variety. The normal food cycle will be disrupted by the massive influx of hydrocarbon. This volition exert a selective pressure on the microbial biota for petroleum hydrocarbon degradation (Bartha 1986). This pick force per unit area will change the natural biodiversity, mayhap changing the flow of free energy through the marine nutrient web and ultimately irresolute what food sources are available to higher organisms.

  • Toxicity. Oil exerts its toxic effects primarily through its water-soluble fractions. Hydrophobic fractions will exert toxic furnishings just if swallowed or adhered to the skin where hydrophobic compounds can dissolve into lipophilic tissues. The h2o-soluble fractions are more than toxic because they dissolve in the water, thus coming into contact with marine biota not near the oil spill. As the more complex and less soluble compounds are oxidized in metabolism and photograph-oxidation, they become water soluble and begin to affect the biota. Effects seen with toxic hydro carbon and hydrocarbon residues are changes in respiration, growth, reproduction, behavior, calcification, molting, ion transport, and enzyme activity (NRC 1985).


Oil spill response aims to forbid damaging effects by removing the oil from the endangered surround. A variety of spill-response methods exist and are generally broken down into two classes:

  • Mechanical response. Mechanical response at sea is the use of booms and other concrete devices to comprise and assistance in concrete recovery of the oil. This method has rarely been used to its full theoretical capability due to bad conditions, ocean land, or logistical bug related to the volume of oil spilled in a catastrophic blow.

  • Chemical response. Chemical response to oil spills at sea consists of applying dispersants to disperse the oil as tiny droplets into the h2o. This was used to neat effect in the spill from the Body of water Empress off the coast of Wales in February 1966 (Lunel and others 1997). Some success has also been accomplished with surfactant beach cleaners that are designed to lift oil from beaches without dispersing information technology (Prince and others 1999).

However, there was and continues to be business over the combined effect of oil and dispersants (George-Ares and others 1999; Wolfe and others 1998). Although dispersants are no longer more than toxic than the oil they are supposed to remediate, they will increase the toxic event of the oil. As stated above, it is primarily the water-soluble fraction of the oil that is toxic because of its transport through h2o to the organism. For the normal oil slick on the marsh surface, simply the organisms near the air/ water interface of the oil volition encounter loftier concentrations of toxins. When the oil has been dissolved into the water column, as happens with dispersants, deep water biota non unremarkably afflicted past oil spills will come across oil. The current thinking on spill response to coastal marine environments is summarized in Table one.

TABLE 1.. Current Remediation Approaches: Marsh Habitat.

Table 1.

Current Remediation Approaches: Marsh Habitat.



The development of commercial inocula for industrial wastewater biotreatment is a mature industry. Microbial products are used daily by littoral zone industries to care for elevated wastewater discharges into littoral environments. Most of these products are adjusted microflora packaged on a pasteurized wheat bran base. Minimal toxicological testing of these products has been conducted to date. Like products proposed for apply in oil spill response in these coastal environments take undergone a comprehensive series of tiered tests nether federal guidelines (Portier 1991). Few products have been approved to date for United states Declension Baby-sit use in impacted marsh environments. Biologicals include the same whole prison cell products, enzyme preparations, co-oxidizing substrates, modifying agents, and nutrient amendments. In that location is a need to further expand the blazon, efficacy, and total number of such products available for marsh restoration. Critical needs for boosted enquiry are summarized in Table 2.

TABLE 2.. Marsh Habitat: Biologicals Development.


Marsh Habitat: Biologicals Evolution.

Engineered Systems for Marsh Habitat

With the evolution of a more than efficacious bombardment of biologicals, engineered systems that deliver the novel biotech product with precision and minimal impact are also needed. Current protocols for delivering biologicals are rather primitive. Mechanical sprayers are the current country of the art. Engineered systems are needed for preinvasive response to oiling and post-oil ablation. A robust screening protocol to test candidate engineered systems must exist developed for the unique marsh habitat. Engineered systems canonical for a neritic/pelagic environment may not be advisable for the littoral environment. Positioning equipment that delivers biological and/or combination products with minimal marsh touch on are still needed. Finally, spill response companies must be weaned off expensive, lucrative, simply hopelessly ineffective booming and chemical treatment strategies (Portier and Ahmed 1988).

Analytical Approaches: "Real Time" Aids to Remediation

If a amend biological coupled to an acceptable engineered system can be realized from marine biotechnology enquiry, the question one must then pose is "How can we assess the efficacy of handling?" In that location has ever been a linkage between spill response and belittling instrumentation. Traditional gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy protocols take been developed for assessing and fingerprinting oil, yet the instrumentation is bulky and not relatively mobile. A prototype portable device is under final field testing and will be bachelor in 2000 (Overton and others 1994). However, this device is really the first of a new generation of handheld sophisticated tools for assessing bear upon from a spill. A summary of analytical instrumentation development linked to marine biotechnology research programs appears in Table 3.

TABLE 3.. Analytical Instrumentation for Marsh Restoration.

Tabular array 3.

Analytical Instrumentation for Marsh Restoration.

Evolution of Risk Assessment Strategies for Marsh Habitats

Finally, there nonetheless is a need to predict gamble and relative touch. Assuming logistics and intervention approaches have get more than sophisticated through the years, in that location continues to be the problem of developing the environmental management tools to decide when and if a marine biotechnology delivery system volition minimize and/or facilitate postspill remediation (Portier and Ahmed 1988; Smith and Portier 1997). Biological assays are effective tools in assessing impact from indicate-source wastewater discharges or from impacted soils. Few assays are available for assessing acute and chronic toxicity of benthic and marsh habitat. A bombardment of sophisticated, possibly genome-based, assays need to be developed for marsh grasses, marsh mammalian populations, microorganisms, and crustacea (Lee and Portier 1999; Lin and others 1999).


Marine biotechnology approaches tin play a pivotal role in developing strategies for prevention and/or postevent restoration of marsh habitats. The focus for the past few decades has been on crude oil and refined petroleum products. Domestic sewage and small volume-generated point sources pose greater threats to the littoral marsh surround annually. Thus, new tools volition exist needed to assess, model, preclude, and restore spills in our nation'southward coastal zone. To summarize, the following deportment should be considered for fundamental research in marsh restoration:

  • Establish linkages to existing National Science Foundation centers to further develop novel biologicals for spill response.

  • Establish a program review on biotechnology products/engineered systems assessment and approving for field applications.

  • Continue to look for low-tech or "no" tech approaches based on risk assessment strategies.


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Aquatic/Industrial Toxicology Laboratory, Institute for Environmental Studies, Louisiana Land Academy, Baton Rouge, LA


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